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Attribute Version Purpose 
Admin Security   
Admin\Authentication\JWT Expiry (min)3.6.0+Admin session expiry in minutes. Default is 15 minutes
Admin CMS   
Admin\CMS preview CSS URI3.3.0+This URI points to preview CSS. For example:
SFW: "wicket/resource/"
SFG: "resources/style/yc-preview.css"
Admin\CMS preview CSS URI3.3.0+This URI points to preview CSS. For example:
SFW: "wicket/resource/"
SFG: "resources/style/yc-preview.css"
Admin\CMS preview URL template3.3.0+This template is used to adjust URLs in content (<img src=""/> and <a href=""/>). For example:
DEV: http://{primaryShopURL}:8080/ where {primaryShopURL} is a placeholder for shop primary domain
PROD: http://{primaryShopURL}/ where {primaryShopURL} is a placeholder for shop primary domain
Admin Help Menu   
Admin\Copyright note3.3.0+Copyright note in Admin help section
Admin\Help doc link3.3.0+Help doc link in Admin help section
Node Connection timeouts   
Admin\Import job timeout 3.0.0+ Timeout in ms during which no ping action performed by import. 
Admin\Import Import log file size 3.0.0+ Size in characters of tail of actual log file to display in YUM during import 
Admin\System SQL, HSQL, FTQL timeout 3.0.0+ Timeout in ms for cluster calls 
Admin\Indexing Bulk product index timeout 3.0.0+ Timeout in ms for cluster calls 
Admin\System Clear cache timeout 3.0.0+ Timeout in ms for cluster calls 
Admin\Import Image operation timeout 3.0.0+ Timeout in ms for cluster calls 
Admin\Indexing Single product index timeout 3.0.0+ Timeout in ms for cluster calls 
Admin\Communication timeout 3.0.0+ Fallback timeout in ms for cluster calls 
JOB_*  (warning)  Preferences starting with this prefix are usually system generated and refer to runtime variables for cron jobs. These should not be modified manually 
Job*: "pause" xxx  

Allow to pause schedules preventing execution of tasks

 task scheduler has a pause button and viewer for all currently schedule task
Jobs - Abandoned Shopping Cart State Clean Up  Removes abandoned carts (non-empty) 
Job\Abandoned Shopping Cart State Clean Up: batch size3.0.0+Abandoned cart clean up batch size (default is 500)
Job\Abandoned Shopping Cart State Clean Up: pause clean up3.0.0+Pause abandoned cart clean up (batch removal of old carts)
SF\Behaviour Cart: abandonment in seconds3.0.0+Cart abandonment seconds. All abandoned carts are deleted by bulk job. Default: 2592000s (30 days)
Jobs - Empty Anonymous Shopping Cart State Clean Up  Removes empty carts 
Job\Empty Anonymous Shopping Cart State Clean Up: batch size3.0.0+Abandoned cart clean up batch size (default is 500)
Job\Empty Anonymous Shopping Cart State Clean Up: pause clean up3.0.0+Pause empty cart clean up (batch removal of empty carts)
SF\Behaviour Cart: empty anonymous in seconds3.0.0+ Cart empty anonymous seconds. All empty anonymous carts are deleted by bulk job. Default: 86400s (1 days) 
Jobs - Auto Import  Automatic import (usually a recurring import) via ImpEx service 
Job\Auto Import: listener directory root3.0.0+Directory root for listener to check for updates
E.g. /var/lib/tomcat7-ycedemo/autoimport
Job\Auto Import: pause import listener3.0.0+Pause local file system import listener
Jobs - Auto Import (V2)  Automatic import (usually a recurring import) via RawImporters services 
Job\Auto Import (v2): configuration3.0.0+Auto import v2 processing job configuration
E.g. /var/lib/tomcat7-ycedemo/autoimport
Job\Auto Import (v2): pause3.0.0+Pause auto import v2 processing job
Jobs - Customer Tagging  Uses "customer" type promotions to tag profiles 
Job\Customer Tagging: batch size3.0.0+Customer tagging batch size (default is 500)
Job\Customer Tagging: pause tagging3.0.0+Pause customer tagging (batch processing of tagging promotions)
Jobs - Evict frontend cache  Cache eviction job to propagate changes made in Admin quicker
Job\Evict frontend cache: pause evict cache3.5.0+Pause frontend cache eviction (if paused updates in admin will not take effect unless manual cache evict is triggered)
Jobs - Expired Guest Accounts Clean Up  Removes expired guest checkout accounts
Job\Expired Guest Accounts Clean Up: batch size3.0.0+Guest accounts deletion batch size (default is 500)
Job\Expired Guest Accounts Clean Up: pause clean up3.0.0+Pause guest accounts deletion (guest checkouts)
SF\Behaviour Cart: guests expiry in seconds3.0.0+Guest account expiry seconds. All expired guest accounts are deleted by bulk job. Default: 86400s (1 day)
Jobs - Image vault scan  Scans image vault to re-attach images to product/SKU attributes
Job\Image vault scan: pause image vault scanning3.0.0+Pause local file system image vault scanner
Jobs - Product image vault clean up  Scans image vault and removes all orphan images
Job\Product image vault clean up: mode3.5.0+Mode can be SCAN (logging only) or DELETE (removes the orphan image files)
Job\Product image vault clean up: pause product image vault clean up3.5.0+Pause local file system product image vault clean up
Jobs - Inventory Awaiting Delivery Processing  Allocates backorder reservations when inventory changes occur
Job\Inventory Awaiting Delivery Processing: pause3.0.0+Pause inventory awaiting delivery processing job
(warning)  Disabling this job will disrupt fulfilment process
JOB_DELWAITINV_LR3.0.0+Store last execution to keep track of inventory changes 
Jobs - Inventory Change Detection  Detects if inventory changes occurred and triggers re-indexing on SKU 
Job\Inventory Change Detection: changes for full reindex3.0.0+Number of inventory records that should trigger full re-index rather than partial. Default is 1000
Job\Inventory Change Detection: delta delay in seconds3.0.0+Delay for delta check. Default 15s.
Job\Inventory Change Detection: max delta after delay3.0.0+Number of inventory records that had changed after a second the job started (default is 100). If changes exceed this number then re-indexing is postponed.
Job\Inventory Change Detection: pause reindex3.0.0+Pause product change detection job (stops re-indexing of changed inventory)
Jobs - Mail  Sends emails
Job\Mail: pause mail processing3.0.0+

Pause email sending job
(warning)  Pausing this job with stop all emails from being sent

 When emails are not sent out a warning will appear on dashboard notifying that mail queue is not empty
Jobs - Obsolete product removal  Removes products that are no longer active
Job\Obsolete product removal: batch size3.0.0+Maximum products to remove per each run. Default: 500
Job\Obsolete product removal: maximum offset for available to (days)3.0.0+Number of days after available to date which denotes obsolete products. Default: 365 (1yr)
Job\Obsolete product removal: pause3.0.0+Pause removing obsolete products job
Jobs - Order Auto Export Processing  Triggers order exporters on orders eligible for export
Job\Order Auto Export Processing: pause3.0.0+Pause order auto export processing job
(warning)  Pausing this job prevents order exports
Jobs - Order Delivery Information Update Processing  Triggers scanning of delivery feeds to update order deliveries 
Job\Order Delivery Information Update Processing: pause3.0.0+Pause order delivery information update processing job
(warning)  Pausing this job prevents automatic order transitions which are triggered by third party integrations

Jobs - Price rules 


 Triggers price generation job 
Job\Price rules: batch size3.5.0+Price rules job batch size (default is 500)
Job\Price rules: pause3.5.0+Pause price rules job
Jobs - Re-index job  Triggers product and SKU reindex
Job\Product re-index: batch size3.0.0+Number of products to reindex in single batch.
Job\Reindex All Products: pause reindex3.0.0+Pause full products reindex job
Jobs - Re-index discontinued job 


Triggers product and SKU reindex for discontinued
Job\Product re-index: batch size3.0.0+Number of products to reindex in single batch.
Reindex Discontinued Products: pause reindex3.0.0+Pause discontinued products reindex job
Storefront images   
SF\Behaviour Expiration value for images in minutes 3.0.0+ Expiration value for images in minutes. ETag 
Root directory for image repository 3.0.0+ This preference allows to set path to the shared image directory where all product, category, content, brand and shop images are uploaded.
Default configuration ( context://../../imagevault ) is two directories up from the application context, which means imagevault directory is in the TOMCAT_HOME/webapps directory.
Use file path to specify absolute location e.g. file://path/to/imagevault
SF\Image service: allowed image sizes 3.2.0+ Configuration for all acceptable image resolutions on this server. Resizing of images is performed on the fly, so to prevent random size images flooding storage only explicitly defined image sizes will be allowed. 
Payment Gateways   
Active payment modules 3.0.0+  (warning) This is preference where current active payment modules values are set. This list should not be manipulated manually but rather via payment gateways on/off buttons 
Storefront Cart   
SF\Behaviour Cart: abandonment in seconds3.0.0+Cart abandonment seconds. All abandoned carts are deleted by bulk job. Default: 2592000s (30 days)
SF\Behaviour Cart: empty anonymous in seconds3.0.0+ Cart empty anonymous seconds. All empty anonymous carts are deleted by bulk job. Default: 86400s (1 days) 
Storefront Browsing   
SF\Behaviour Search items per page 3.0.0+ Comma separated numbers for results per page options. Used as fallback mechanism when category specific and shop specific setting is not set. 
SF\Behaviour Default shop URL 3.0.0+ When domain name cannot be resolved to a shop served on this instance the customer is redirected to this URL 
System\Google reCaptcha verification URL



Google reCaptcha verification URL. Default value will be used if not provided.
File storage   
System\File Root directory for image repository3.0.0+Root directory for file repository.
Recommended: file:///home/yc/server/share/filevault/
System\Image Root directory for image repository3.0.0+Root directory for image repository.
Recommended: file:///home/yc/server/share/imagevault/
System\System File Root directory for image repository3.3.0+Root directory for secure file repository (no storefront access)
Recommended: file:///home/yc/server/share/sysfilevault/
System\Media PUBLIC Root directory for media repository



Root directory for public media repository
Recommended: file:///home/yc/server/share/mediavault/public/
System\Media SECURE Root directory for media repository



Root directory for public media repository (no storefront access)
Recommended: file:///home/yc/server/share/mediavault/secure/

Property mapping for system customisations. E.g.
SHOP10.pricingPolicyProvider=[bean name]
SHOP10.priceResolver=[bean name]
SHOP10.taxProvider=[bean name]
SHOP10.productAvailabilityStrategy=[bean name]
SHOP10.cartContentsValidator=[bean name]
Main.inventoryResolver=[bean name]

  See configurations
System\Customisations\Security Control3.7.0+

Property mapping for system security control service. E.g.
After changing these settings configurations need to be reloaded (use cluster panel)

 See configurations (servletRequestSecurityAccessControlService)