Overview SaaS
This document outlines key point on working with SFG templates.
Functions are injected through ctx variable into template execution scope and are used to provide convenience methods for some of the encapsulated raw low level functions of the platform (e.g. access to HTTP request context, template inclusion mechanism, pre-processing parameters etc).
Version | Function | Param | Example | Description |
1.x.x | viewUri |
ctx.builder.a('href', ctx.viewUri, 'link')
| Retrieves current URL | |
1.x.x | builder | ctx.builder.html { body { div('Some text'); } } | Markup builder | |
1.x.x | include | relativePath | ctx.builder.section('class': 'blog') { div('class': 'container') { div('class': 'row') { ctx.include('component/' + (centralView ?: 'EmptyCentralView') + '.groovy'); } } } | Include a script file in current template execution scope |
1.x.x | includeurl | relativePath | ctx.includeurl '/internal/breadcrumbs'; ctx.builder.section('class': 'blog') { div('class': 'container') { div('class': 'row') { ctx.includeurl "/internal/categorybody?categoryId=${sf.categoryId}"; } } } | Invoke a sub request result of which will be amalgamated in final response |
3.5.x | includevariant | relativePath, defaultPath | ctx.includevariant(_optTemplate + '.groovy', 'SkuOptionsDim.groovy'); | Include a script variation (if one exists) or default otherwise in current template execution scope |
1.x.x | pagecache | timeout, keyType | ctx.pagecache('1d', '-'); | Meta data to instruct page template caching. timeout:
1.x.x | inlineResource | relativePath | div('class': 'col-xs-12 col-md-4') { mkp.yieldUnescaped( ctx.inlineResource('StandardFooterNavIncludeSocial.html') ); } | Inline file in the generated markup |
1.x.x | content | contentId | div('class': 'form-group') { mkp.yieldUnescaped(ctx.content('reset_resetform_content_include')); } | Retrieve content from CMS as a string by SEO URI |
1.x.x | contentExists | contentId | if (ctx.contentExists(_optCms)) { // shop specific rendering mkp.yieldUnescaped(ctx.dynamicContent(_optCms, [ 'product': product, 'skus': _skus, 'sku': _sku, 'fc': _fc, 'optionsModel': _optionsModel, 'optionsModelItem': _option ])); } | Check if content is defined in CMS |
1.x.x | dynamicContent | contentId, parameters | if (ctx.contentExists(_optCms)) { // shop specific rendering mkp.yieldUnescaped(ctx.dynamicContent(_optCms, [ 'product': product, 'skus': _skus, 'sku': _sku, 'fc': _fc, 'optionsModel': _optionsModel, 'optionsModelItem': _option ])); } | Retrieve content from CMS as a string by SEO URI. Content is preprocessed by template engine. |
1.x.x | msg | messageKey | span(ctx.msg('addToCompare')); | Retrieves message from shop.properties.xml |
1.x.x | msgf | messageKey, parameters | a('href': ctx.URL('logout'), 'rel': 'nofollow', 'title': ctx.msgf('logoffTitle', ['customer': sf?.managerName])) { span ctx.msg('logoffLabel'); } | Retrieves message from shop.properties.xml. Message is preprocessed by template engine. |
1.x.x | contentURL | contentId | a('href': ctx.contentURL('license'), 'rel': 'bookmark') { span(ctx.msg('licenceInfo')); } | Generate content page relative URL |
1.x.x | categoryURL | categoryId | a('rel': 'bookmark', 'href': ctx.categoryURL('notebooks')) { img('src': ctx.resourceURL('image/baner1.png')); } | Generate category page relative URL |
1.x.x | productURL | productId, fc | def _url = ctx.productURL(_item.product.uri, _item.supplierCode); | Generate product page relative URL for specific fulfilment centre |
1.x.x | skuURL | productId, fc | a('rel': 'bookmark', 'href': ctx.skuURL(_item.productSku.uri, _item.supplierCode)) { span(ctx.macroProductName.name(_item.productSku)); } | Generate SKU page relative URL for specific fulfilment centre |
1.x.x | resourceURL | path | a('rel': 'bookmark', 'href': ctx.categoryURL('notebooks')) { img('src': ctx.resourceURL('image/baner1.png')); } | Generate resource relative URL |
1.x.x | filteredURL | path | def _selected = _multi && ctx.macroFormUtils.values(_filteredNavBlock.code).contains(_filteredNavBlockValue.value); def _path = _filteredNavBlock.code + '/' + ctx.encodeURI(_filteredNavBlockValue.value); def _href; if (_selected) { _href = ctx.filteredURL('').replace(_path, '').replace('//', '/'); } else { _href = ctx.filteredURL(_path); } | Generate relative URL including filter navigation parameters |
1.x.x | URL | path | a('href': ctx.URL('management/customers'), 'rel': 'nofollow') { span ctx.msg('managedCustomers'); } | Generate relative URL |
4.1.x | toAbsoluteURL | url, scheme | a('href': ctx.toAbsoluteURL(ctx.URL('management/customers'), 'https'), 'rel': 'nofollow') { span ctx.msg('managedCustomers'); } | Convert relative URL to absolute one |
1.x.x | encodeURI | uri | input('type': 'hidden', 'name': 'returnTo', 'value': ctx.encodeURI('checkout?step=address')); | Encode value |
1.x.x | decodeURI | uri | a('href': ctx.URL(ctx.decodeURI(ctx.macroFormUtils.value('returnTo', 'profile'))), 'class': 'btn btn-default', 'title': ctx.msg('cancel')) { mkp.yieldUnescaped(ctx.msg('cancel')); } | Decode value |
Variables are injected through sf variable into template execution scope and provide runtime context for current request (e.g. access to current shop, cart, filter navigation scope etc)
Example usage
def _total = sf.cartTotal;
Version | Variable | Description |
1.x.x | deploymentMode | Deployment mode as defined by "webapp.configuration" runtime constant |
4.1.x | serverName | Request server name |
1.x.x | contextPath | Request context path |
4.1.x | ssoContext | SSO context, injected by cart filter through SSO bridge |
1.x.x | rawRequestURI | Raw request URI |
1.x.x | rawRequestURL | Raw request URL |
1.x.x | rawIncludeURI | Raw internal request URI |
1.x.x | rawRequestCookies | Raw request cookies |
1.x.x | rawRequestParameters | Raw request parameters |
1.x.x | navRequestParameters | Navigation request parameters |
1.x.x | skuIdAndUri | Sku ID and URI pair |
1.x.x | productIdAndUri | Product ID and URI pair |
1.x.x | categoryIdAndUri | Category ID and URI pair |
1.x.x | contentIdAndUri | Content ID and URI pair |
1.x.x | supplier | Fulfilment centre code |
1.x.x | fc | Fulfilment centre code (synonym for supplier variable) |
1.x.x | shopId | Current sales channel ID |
1.x.x | shopCode | Current sales channel code |
1.x.x | customerShopId | Current customer sales channel ID |
1.x.x | customerShopCode | Current customer sales channel code |
1.x.x | categoryId | Category ID |
1.x.x (deprecated) | shopLogoURL | Shop IMAGE0 |
1.x.x | locale | Locale ISO-2 code |
1.x.x | localeName | Locale full name |
1.x.x | localeObject | Locale java object |
1.x.x | supportedLocales | Supported locales ISO-2 code list |
1.x.x | currency | Currency three ISO-3 code |
1.x.x | currencyName | Currency name |
1.x.x | supportedCurrencies | Supported currencies ISO-3 code list |
1.x.x | currenciesConfig | Supported currencies ISO-3 code and name pairs list |
1.x.x | loggedIn | Flag to indicate customer is logged in |
1.x.x | requireCustomerLogin | Flag to indicate if customer login is required |
1.x.x | customerName | Logged in customer name |
1.x.x | customerType | Logged in customer type |
1.x.x | customerTags | Logged in customer tags |
1.x.x | managerName | Logged in manager name |
1.x.x | guestCheckoutEnabled | Flag to indicate guest checkout is enabled (shop specific config "SHOP_CHECKOUT_ENABLE_GUEST") |
1.x.x | checkoutAvailable | Flag to indicate that checkout is available for current customer |
1.x.x | rfqAvailable | Flag to indicate that request for quote is available for current customer |
1.x.x | orderRequireApprove | Flag to indicate order requires approval |
1.x.x | meta | Page meta data (available in /internal/pageheadmetaseodata include only) |
1.x.x | cart | Shopping cart object |
1.x.x | cartTotal | Cart total |
1.x.x | useManufacturerSku | Flag to indicate to use manufacturer SKU instead of product SKU to render (shop specific config "PRODUCT_DISPLAY_MANUFACTURER_CODE_SHOP") |
1.x.x | useQuantityPicker | Flag to indicate to use quantity picker (shop specific config "CART_ADD_ENABLE_QTY_PICKER") |
1.x.x | useProductOverride | Attribute to use for product name override (shop specific config "SHOP_PRODUCT_NAME_OVERRIDE") |
1.x.x | addressbookEditable | Flag indicating that address book is editable by customer |
1.x.x | addressbookBillingEditable | Flag indicating that address book is editable by customer |
1.x.x | earliestNewProdInstant | Time indicating earliest time to be considered as "new product" |
1.x.x | searchGlobalOnly | Flag to indicate that "search global only" mode is enabled |
1.x.x | searchDisableCompound | Flag to indicate that "compound search" mode should be disabled |
1.x.x | searchDisableSuggest | Flag to indicate that search suggest feature is disabled |
1.x.x | searchSuggestMinChars | Search suggest minimum characters trigger |
1.x.x | searchSuggestMaxItems | Search suggest maximum number of results to display |
1.x.x | searchSuggestFadeOut | Search suggest "fade out" timeout |
1.x.x | shopNewsletterEnable | Enable newsletter feature |
1.x.x | categoryDisablePagination | Disable pagination on category pages |
1.x.x | categoryDisableSorting | Disable sorting on category pages |
1.x.x | categoryDisablePageSize | Disable page size selector on category pages |
1.x.x | categoryDisableShowMore | Disable "show more" button on category pages |