Before you start





Before you start you must make sure that you have the following software is installed and properly configured (i.e. runnables are on system path and you can run them from command line).
Software Recommended version Check runnable Where to get it 
Java SDK 1.8.x+ java -version
NodeJS 8.x.x+node --version
NPM 6.4.1+npm -version
Maven v.3.0+ mvn -version
Ant v.1.8+ ant -version
Ant contrib v.1.0b+
Tomcat v.7+
MySQL v.5.5+ mysql

If you are running *nix please consult your OS documentation for the installation procedures of the above software. We would not recommend installing it manually. For example Mac OSX users are strongly advised to you macports as installation shell.

Nice to have Notes 
Intellij IDEA Ultimate Ultimate is required for Flex support 
Http server configurable for ajp 1.3 If you would like to mirror production setup locally 
TOAD or MySQL query browser If you plan to use mysql then GUI client would help 

Environment variables


Environment Variables Required Example value Notes 
JAVA_HOME (tick)D:\jdk1.8.0_45  
JAVA_OPTS  -Xms256m -Xmx1024m Required as Tomcat may fail with OutOfMemory exception 
ANT_HOME (tick) D:\apache-ant-1.8.1  
ANT_OPTS  -Xms256m -Xmx1024m  
M2_HOME (tick) D:\apache-maven-3.0.3  
MAVEN_OPTS (tick) -Xms256m -Xmx1024m Required as test may fail with OutOfMemory exception 
CATALINA_OPTS  -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 Required by Tomcat to correctly process UTF-8 requests 
PATH   should contain all executables for the installed software 


You can check Environment variables from shell (*nix) by using "./ env" or cmd (Windows) by using "yc.bat env".

Checkout the project


The repository is located at GutHub
Please refer to instruction on GutHub on the cloning/forking options available.

Please do not use spaces in directory names where you checkout the project. This may prevent you from accessing some of useful script tools and delay workspace setup.

First time maven pre-build setup


You only need to perform steps in this section once. After these are correctly setup skip this section in day to day builds.



3rd party libraries

YesCart uses some 3rd party libraries that are no available on maven central, so you need to manually add them to your local repository

Go to the root of the YesCart checkout directory (i.e. /dev/yc in the example below).

$ cd /dev/yc


If you are running *nix you can use this nifty script

/dev/yc$ ./ i3rd


If you are running Windows use batch file

C:\yc\> yc.bat i3rd
If above does not work please make sure that your mvn installation is working correctly from command line and that all environment variables have been setup correctly.

First time maven build

Run maven *clean* install command that will compile, test and package the code using the *dev* environment configurations

 Note the clean phase in the first time build. It is necessary to load all nodes dependencies for the jam-jsclient module.

/dev/yc$ mvn clean install

Building using maven



If build is breaking make sure you have setup all that is necessary from "First time maven pre-build setup" section above.

Basic build


To build the project and deploy it to Tomcat all you need is to execute couple of commands in shell/cmd.

Go to the root of the YesCart checkout directory (i.e. /dev/yc in the example below).

$ cd /dev/yc

Run maven install command that will compile, test and package the code

/dev/yc$ mvn install


This command will perform default build which is targeted at development environment, which should be suitable in most cases.

As maven will be processing each module you will be able to see current configuration in echo along with some tips as to what other options are available.

Example echo configurations

     [echo] =========================================================================================================================================================
     [echo] |
     [echo] | __     _______                           ______
     [echo] | \ \   / / ____|                         |  ____| v.3.5.0-SNAPSHOT (build: 0556dbaf)
     [echo] |  \ \_/ | |   ______ _ __  _   _ _ __ ___| |__   ___ ___  _ __ ___  _ __ ___   ___ _ __ ___ ___
     [echo] |   \   /| |  |______| '_ \| | | | '__/ _ |  __| / __/ _ \| '_ ` _ \| '_ ` _ \ / _ | '__/ __/ _ \
     [echo] |    | | | |____     | |_) | |_| | | |  __| |___| (_| (_) | | | | | | | | | | |  __| | | (_|  __/
     [echo] |    |_|  \_____|    | .__/ \__,_|_|  \___|______\___\___/|_| |_| |_|_| |_| |_|\___|_|  \___\___|
     [echo] |                    | |
     [echo] |                    |_|  Copyright 2018
     [echo] |
     [echo] =========================================================================================================================================================
     [echo] YC module jam-3.5.0-SNAPSHOT-rev.0556dbaf configurations:
     [echo] Environment configuration (use -Denv=x to switch)                 : dev-idea
     [echo] Database provider (use -Pmysql or -Pderby)                        : derby
     [echo] Full text search provider (use -PftEmbededLucene or -PftDisabled) : embeded-lucene
     [echo] Tomcat SSL configuration (use -Pssl)                              : off
     [echo] JAM npm goal (use -Dnpm.goal=x to switch)                         :
     [echo] JAM npm target (use to switch)                : dev (typescript/dist/dev)
     [echo] JAM npm modules (use to switch)            : node_modules (typescript/node_modules)
     [echo] Payment modules
     [echo] LiqPay payments (use -PpaymentLiqPay or -PpaymentAll)             : on
     [echo] Cybersource payments (use -PpaymentCybersource or -PpaymentAll)   : on
     [echo] Authorize.Net payments (use -PpaymentAuthorize or -PpaymentAll)   : on
     [echo] PayPal payments (use -PpaymentPaypal or -PpaymentAll)             : on
     [echo] PostFinance payments (use -PpaymentPostFinance or -PpaymentAll)   : on
     [echo] Add-on modules
     [echo] Marketing price rules integration  (use -Ppricerules)             : on
     [echo] Web Apps
     [echo] Storefront: ROOT.war
     [echo] REST API  : yes-api.war
     [echo] ADMIN     : yes-manager.war
     [echo] Tips:
     [echo] * use mvn help:all-profiles or help:active-profiles to list profiles available
     [echo] * use mvn dependency:tree to list all dependencies
     [echo] * documentation for YC profiles is available at:
     [echo] =========================================================================================================================================================

mvn profiles

The platform comes with a variety of maven profiles to tweak your build as required

Maven profiles and variables



When working with maven if you specify at least one profile then activation by default stops working for other profiles. Hence you may need to specify all default profiles in some cases.
Profile Alternative Default Dependency1Affected module Version Notes 
dev    jam, sf, api 3.0.0+ synonym for -Denv=dev 
devIntellijIDEA    jam, sf, api 3.0.0+ synonym for -Denv=dev-idea 
buildInstaller (EoL 3.3.x)   installer 3.0.0+ Includes installer module in the build 
derby mysql, mysql8 (tick)(tick) jam, sf, api 3.0.0+ Sets derby connector for hibernate 
mysql derby, mysql8  (tick) jam, sf, api 3.0.0+ Sets mysql connector for hibernate (connector/j 5.x.x) 
mysql8mysql, derby (tick)jam, sf, api4.0.0+Sets mysql connector for hibernate (connector/j 8.x.x)
ftEmbededLucene  ftDisabled(tick) (tick) sf, api 3.5.0+Enables Lucene to be full text search provider for storefront
ftDisabledftEmbededLucene  sf, api 3.5.0+NOOP full text search provider for storefront (used for builds that use external CMS + external FT provider)
nodejs (warning)     jam-jsclient3.3.0+

(warning) Used for JAM client development with validate phase to update currently running instance. Usage is from within specific module:

yes-cart/manager/jam$ mvn validate -Pdev,nodejs,derby,ftEmbededLucene

(warning) Use this profile for supporting IDE builds to copy extra resources that IDE does not "see".

ssl    jam, sf, api 3.0.0+ Sets secure configurations for wicket (enabled security, guarantee CONFIDENTIAL) and sets up default secure and insecure ports (8443, 8080). If not used then "behind Apache" mode is assumed (disables security, guarantee NONE), default secure and insecure ports (443, 80). 
corscorsOff(tick) api3.7.0+Allows to enable CORS mode for API. See REST API for more details
corsOffcors  api Disable CORS mode for API (original 3.6.x behaviour)
templates (warning)    jam, sf, api3.0.0+ 

 (warning) DO NOT use for full builds. This profile allows to manually copy all necessary templates to relevant module. Usage is from within specific module:

yes-cart/manager/jam$ mvn validate -Ptemplates,derby,ftEmbededLucene

(warning) Use this profile for supporting IDE builds to copy extra resources that IDE does not "see". 

paymentBase paymentAll (tick)(tick)payment modules 3.0.0+ Disabled all additional payment modules 
paymentAll paymentBase  (tick)payment modules3.0.0+ Enables all additional payment modules 
paymentLiqPay paymentLiqPayOff   payment modules3.0.0+ Enables LiqPay additional payment module 
paymentLiqPayOff paymentLiqPay   payment modules3.0.0+ Disables LiqPay additional payment module 
paymentCybersource paymentCybersourceOff  (tick) payment modules 3.0.0+ Enables Cybersource additional payment module 
paymentCybersourceOff paymentCybersource   payment modules 3.0.0+ Disables Cybersource additional payment module 
paymentAuthorize paymentAuthorizeOff  (tick)payment modules3.0.0+ Enables Authorize.NET additional payment module 
paymentAuthorizeOff paymentAuthorize   payment modules3.0.0+ Disables Authorize.NET additional payment module 
paymentPaypal paymentPaypalOff  (tick)payment modules3.0.0+ Enables PayPal additional payment module (PayPal NVP, Payflow and Express) 
paymentPaypalOff paymentPaypal   payment modules3.0.0+ Disables PayPal additional payment module (PayPal NVP, Payflow and Express) 
paymentSwissbillingpaymentSwissbillingOff (tick)payment modules3.7.0+Enables Swissbilling additional payment module 
paymentSwissbillingOffpaymentSwissbilling  payment modules3.7.0+Disables Swissbilling additional payment module 

1 Dependency profiles are used to inject additional Maven dependencies during build. If at least one Maven profile is specified in build command all applicable dependency profiles must be explicitly stated. For example "mysql" profile adds MySQL driver jar file to WEB-INF/lib thus if we use "-PdevIntellijIDEA" we need to use either "-PdevIntellijIDEA,mysql" or "-PdevIntellijIDEA,derby" to add either MSQL or Derby driver. Note that all jar files are preserved between builds in WEB-INF/lib unless a "mvn clean install" is performed


The platform defines several build variables in pom files. However because of the dependency management mechanism using only variable is not enough. Thus you must not manipulate those manually but rather define correct values in custom profiles within pom.xml files.

Environment specific builds


As mentioned in the "Basic build" section above, by default development configuration is used. This configuration is defined by env variable.

This variable specified which configuration location to use in: /dev/yc/maven directory.

Each configuration is grouped into a directory. For example development is located in "dev" and special configuration for Intellij IDEA in "dev-idea" etc.

Custom configuration for other environments can be crafted to your specification and controlled through env variable.

For example for continuous integration server you may run the following maven build:

/dev/yc$ mvn install -Pci

Which would read configurations from:


This gives a very flexible and simple mechanism to configure environment specific builds.

Prepare database


Default setup provides two choices: derby to use for development environments, or use MySQL server. The connection configurations are defined in the environment specific configuration files. However because RDMBS requires specific driver relevant profiles must be used to include driver dependency in the build.

If you want to use other RDBMS or change some of the configuration you will need to either change existing maven profile or add a new profile.




If you encounter access denied ("" "localhost:1527" "listen,resolve") refer to Derby quick startguide.


Navigate to YC_HOME from command line and startup Derby server (in background mode)


/dev/yc$ ./ derbygob



C:\yc\> yc.bat derbygob


Run the database initialisation script


/dev/yc$ ./ dbiderby



C:\yc\> yc.bat dbiderby


Follow instructions to complete the setup.

Unix users can use grep to quickly check the derby log for errors

grep -i 'error' ./derbyinit.log
If you experience problems, try to setup databases manually.



Make sure your MySQL server is running (try connecting to it through command line 'mysql' command)

Navigate to YC_HOME from another command line and execute


/dev/yc$ ./ dbimysql



C:\yc\> yc.bat dbimysql

Follow instructions to complete the setup.

 If you experience problems, try to setup databases manually.

Other RDBMS's and configuring existing


The hibernate connection properties are defined in environment specific configuration files in YC_HOME/env/maven, which you can add or modify. YesCart provides derby and mysql profiles by default, which are located in main POM in YC_HOME/pom.xml.

Profiles look like this:

MySQL profile example

       <!-- Variable definition in main pom.xml that allows to include relevant configuration file through maven filters -->
       <!-- Module specific dependencies (drivers) -->

mysql profile above sets variable env.db to mysql which causes maven to pick up file and then insert provided configurations into META-INF/context.xml for all web apps.

 To add your own RDMBS profile just follow the same principle (e.g. env.db=oracle) and then create which would have definition of all configuration properties. Then in web app modules add dependency to the necessary driver dependencies

File paths configuration


Image repository


Image repository is set via system preferences (SYSTEM_IMAGE_VAULT). Default locations are defined in the environment specific file in the following properties:


This default configuration points to the theme module default directory layout in the root of your project. We highly recommend setting this to directory outside of your code base. Note that this directory is shared by all YC web apps 



Once maven build is completed several JAR/WAR files will be built in target directories of each module.

You need to copy the shop manager, storefront and REST API war files into the $TOMCAT_HOME/webapps

/dev/yc$ cp ./manager/jam/target/yes-manager.war $TOMCAT_HOME/webapps
/dev/yc$ cp ./web/store-wicket/target/ROOT.war $TOMCAT_HOME/webapps
/dev/yc$ cp ./web/api/target/yes-api.war $TOMCAT_HOME/webapps
 If you are using mysql you may have problems during tomcat startup because of mysql-connector. The symptom is javax.naming.NamingException: com.mysql.jdbc.Driver in your catalina.out log. In order to resolve this copy /yes-shop/WEB-INF/lib/mysql-connector-java-5.1.13.jar to share lib directory of your tomcat

Make sure your SQL server is running and start the tomcat instance as you would normally either through services, catalina.bat or depending on the type of installation of your tomcat instance.

If you are setting up tomcat from scratch please have a look at some things on our Tomcat page that you should be aware of.

Open your browser and navigate to the following url for the storefront:


Or open your browser and navigate to the following url for the manager application:


Default user/password to connect is:

password 1234567 

Or use REST client to access API:


IDE setup


Intellij IDEA

Import demo data


Follow steps on Demo Data Import