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The purpose of this guide to highlight key points that should be considered during installation on YC instance in of the platform in production environments. 


Please note that connector must have UTF-8 encoding enabled.



YC uses Platform apps use context.xml configuration for database connection. These are kept in META-INF/context.xml files in each deployable war file (i.e. yes-manager.war, yes-api.war and ROOT.war for Admin, REST and SF respectively).

The files are preprocessed during maven build and are populated with correct value for target environment (see Maven profiles and variable section in From source guide). 

We highly recommend using Tomcat 7.0.35+ as earlier versions have know issues with loading META-INF/context.xml incorrectly. 


 See more detailed information on


Special configurations


Admin to storefront (SF) communication


Admin application needs to be aware of the SF nodes in order to trigger various functions such as full text re-indexing, cache evictions, health monitoring etc. 

All YC cluster communication is configured in


Because JGroups is additional dependency when IPv4 or IPv6 strategy is used the build must be done with jgroups Maven profile enabled



Since all YC All applications are java webapps clustering approach follows standard practice under servlet containers, such as Tomcat.


Admin app needs to be aware of all SF apps and thus YC cluster communication channel has to be configured (as mentioned in previous section).

Each YC node (webapp) in YC cluster stores its discovery information in context.xml file which is then detected by the communication channel so that Admin web app is able to broadcast notifications to SF nodes.


Cache eviction through WS 

Indexing through WS 

There are several strategies to SF nodes configuration


Out of the box Full text search is facilitated by embedded Lucene, which means that a dedicated FT index is created for each web app as it needs exclusive file system IO access to write to indices. 

has option to use FT connector web app that allows to share FT index between several applications.


There are some caveat to clustered SF architecture with dedicated FT indices as they may become out of sync due to parallel inventory updates on different nodes. In pursue of high throughput YC the platform design has gone on path of high performance as opposed to high inventory accuracy when browsing the website and viewing product details pages (checkout still uses fresh from DB data). We anticipate that this adverse effect will only be valid for use cases for low stock high demand products or discontinued items.

To overcome this deficiency the following scheduled jobs are employed

Job Purpose Default schedule Config location 
Reindex Discontinued Products Remove discontinued products from FT index every day 5am web/support/src/main/resources/websupport-cronjob.xml 
Reindex All Products Full reindex disabled web/support/src/main/resources/websupport-cronjob.xml 
Inventory Changes Product Indexing Reindex products for which inventory changed since last execution every 5 minutes web/support/src/main/resources/websupport-cronjob.xml 

Generally Inventory Changes Product Indexing job should be enough to keep data fresh. However Reindex All Products can be used as a replacement for Reindex Discontinued Products to recreate index from time to time.


This issue is however only related to displaying of data since checkout process uses fresh from database data to check inventory levels. Therefore you can never oversell. The customer will simply be presented with an out of stock message.

Cache considerations


YC uses Platform apps use Ehcache to facilitate caching. All YC caches operate with two parameters settings:


These parameters will need to be adjusted according to your website needs. The longer cache times used the more throughput the website will have but at the cost of slightly outdated data being displayed, thus the right balance of cache timeouts needs to be established that your customers are comfortable with.

YC The platform does not use Hibernate second level cache as it in fact worsens the performance. This is due to the fact that before caching YC does the platform does a lot of preprocessing and thus keeps only ready to use objects in cache as opposed to raw persistence data. If second level cache is enabled Hibernate transforms all queries into two phase retrieval process: 1) select ids to get list of primary keys 2) select each item in the list by id, which causes substantial increase in number of queries and hence contingency on database. Therefore it is highly recommended not to use second level cache.


MySQL has a timeout on connection and sometimes when the server is left idle (e.g. overnight) the first user to enter the site sees a DB connection exception. Then everything works fine. THIS IS NOT YC ISSUEPLATFORM ISSUE! This problem is specific to MySQL timeouts that Hibernate cannot detect. To fix it you need a ping query in context.xml so that MySQL does not drop the connection without hibernate knowing about it.


Code Block
<Resource name="jdbc/yespayjndi"
                 validationQuery="SELECT 1"
                 minEvictableIdleTimeMillis="864000000" />

<Resource name="jdbc/yesjndi"
                 validationQuery="SELECT 1"
                 minEvictableIdleTimeMillis="864000000" />


Cloud computing


Cloud computing is very large topic for discussion. Mainly it depends on the cloud offering. Some clouds are very unpredictable in the way they behave such as cutting threads if resources are low, inability to access file system etc. Therefore there is no single solution for all clouds and the integrations are very much vendor specific. Therefore tuning YC platform to specific Cloud is very much manual process.
