Page tree

Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  1. Login to Google Analytics account
  2. Open property > Property view > Ecommerce settings and click enable Ecommerce and save changes
  3. Login to Admin app and navigate to CMS section
  4. Search for "footer_include" and add the below code (click expand button to view) to all CMS body element for all languages. If the include does not exists create one using
     URI pattern
  5. Save the content and clear cache
  6. Visit your site
  7. Open "Tag Assistant" extension, click "enable" and click "start recording"
  8. Go to the page and try to go through the checkout process (warning) Note that it may take up to 24h for the event to appear in google analytics
    1. Check tags in the extension, click "Check contained tags" to load data layer, click data layer tab




For versions up to 

 footer_include must contain full GA/GTag script. Below is an example integration script for default theme


Code Block
titleGA commerce integration (up to 4.0.0)
    /* */

    /* Home page includes browsing, search and product viewing */
    if ('HomePage') != -1) {
        try {
            var _href = window.location.pathname;
            if (_href.indexOf('?') != -1) {
                _href = _href.substring(0, _href.indexOf('?')); // cut away query string

            var _parts = _href.substr(ctx.root.length).split('/');
            _loc = ctx.root;

            var _view = 'category';
            var _cat = 'x';
            var _uri = '';
            var _list = 'Browse';
            var _dim = '';
            for (var i = 0; i < _parts.length; i++) {
                var _part = _parts[i];
                if (_part == 'product' && (i+1 < _parts.length)) {
                    _view = 'product';
                    _uri = _parts[i+1];
                if (_part == 'sku' && (i+1 < _parts.length)) {
                    _view = 'sku';
                    _uri = _parts[i+1];
                if (_part == 'category' && (i+1 < _parts.length)) {
                    _uri = _parts[i+1];
                    _cat = _uri;
                    _dim = _uri;
                if (_part == 'query' && (i+1 < _parts.length)) {
                    _list = 'Search';
                    _dim += 'query:' + decodeURIComponent(_parts[i+1]);
                if (_part == 'tag' && (i+1 < _parts.length)) {
                    _list = 'Search';
                    _dim += 'tag:' + decodeURIComponent(_parts[i+1]);
                if (_part == 'brand' && (i+1 < _parts.length)) {
                    _list = 'Search';
                    _dim += 'brand:' + decodeURIComponent(_parts[i+1]);

            /* Record page views on page render */
            if (_view == 'product' || _view == 'sku') {

                var _elp = jQuery('.js-ga-ecommerce-product');
                var _code ='sku');
                var _name ='name');
                var _brand ='brand');
                var _fc ='fc');
                var _elpp = _elp.find('.js-buy-panel .js-ga-ecommerce-price');
                var _price = _elpp.length > 0 ?'price') : '0.00';

                gtag('event', 'view_item', {        // Provide product details
                    'items': [
                            'id': _code,
                            'name': _name,
                            'list_name': _list,
                            'brand': _brand,
                            'category': _cat + (_dim != '' ? ':' + _dim : ''),
                            'variant': _fc,
                            'list_position': 1,
                            'quantity': 1,
                            'price': _price
                    'event_label': 'pdp: View'

                /* Bind buy buttons */
                _elp.find('.js-buy').click(function() {
                    var _el = jQuery(this);
                    var _sku ='sku');
                    var _qty ='qty');
                    var _fc ='fc');
                    var _elpp = _elp.closest('.js-buy-panel').find('.js-ga-ecommerce-price');
                    var _price = _elpp.length > 0 ?'price') : '0.00';

                    gtag('event', 'add_to_cart', {
                        "items": [
                                'id': _sku,
                                'name': _name,
                                'list_name': _list,
                                'brand': _brand,
                                'category': _cat + (_dim != '' ? ':' + _dim : ''),
                                'variant': _fc,
                                'list_position': 1,
                                'quantity': _qty ? _qty : 1,
                                'price': _price
                        'event_label': 'pdp: Add x'


            } else {

                var _itemsImpr = [];

                jQuery('.js-ga-ecommerce-product-pod').each(function(_cnt, _value) {

                    var _item = jQuery(_value);
                    var _sku ='sku');
                    var _name ='name');
                    var _price = _item.find('.js-ga-ecommerce-price').data('price');
                    var _qty = '1';
                    var _fc ='fc');
                    var _brand ='brand');

                        'id': _sku,
                        'name': _name,
                        'list_name': _list,
                        'brand': _brand,
                        'category': _cat + (_dim != '' ? ':' + _dim : ''),
                        'variant': _fc,
                        'list_position': _cnt + 1,
                        'quantity': _qty,
                        'price': _price

                    _item.find('.js-buy').data('pos', _cnt + 1).click(function() {
                        var _el = jQuery(this);
                        var _sku ='sku');
                        var _qty ='qty');
                        var _fc ='fc');
                        var _pos ='pos');

                        gtag('event', 'add_to_cart', {
                            'items': [
                                    'id': _sku,
                                    'name': _name,
                                    'list_name': _list,
                                    'brand': _brand,
                                    'category': _cat + (_dim != '' ? ':' + _dim : ''),
                                    'variant': _fc,
                                    'list_position': _pos,
                                    'quantity': _qty ? _qty : 1,
                                    'price': _price
                            'event_label': 'list: Add x'



                // Product impressions
                if (_itemsImpr.length > 0) {
                    gtag('event', 'view_item_list', {
                        "items": _itemsImpr,
                        'event_label': 'list: View'


        } catch(e) {
            log('Error initialising GA for HomePage', e);


    /* Cart page, checkout step 0 */
    if ('ShoppingCartPage') != -1) {
        try {

            var _cart = jQuery('.js-ga-ecommerce-cart-total .js-ga-ecommerce-price').data('price');
            if (!_cart) {
                _cart = '0.00';

            var _items = [];

            jQuery('.js-ga-ecommerce-cart-item').each(function(_cnt, _value) {

                var _item = jQuery(_value);
                var _sku ='sku');
                var _name ='name');
                var _price ='price');
                var _qty ='qty');
                var _fc ='fc');
                var _brand ='brand');

                    'id': _sku,
                    'name': _name,
                    'list_name': 'Cart',
                    'brand': _brand,
                    //'category': 'zzzz',
                    'variant': _fc,
                    'list_position': _cnt + 1,
                    'quantity': _qty,
                    'price': _price

                _item.find('.js-qty-update').data('pos', _cnt + 1).click(function() {

                    var _newQty = _item.find('.js-qty-value').val();
                    var _newQtyN = Number(_newQty);
                    var _qtyN = Number(_qty);
                    var _pos = jQuery(this).data('pos');

                    if (_newQtyN > _qtyN) {
                        gtag('event', 'add_to_cart', {
                            'items': [
                                    'id': _sku,
                                    'name': _name,
                                    'list_name': 'Cart',
                                    'brand': _brand,
                                    //'category': 'zzzz',
                                    'variant': _fc,
                                    'list_position': _pos,
                                    'quantity': _newQtyN - _qtyN,
                                    'price': _price
                            'event_label': 'cart: Add X'
                    } else if (_newQtyN < _qtyN) {
                        gtag('event', 'remove_from_cart', {
                            'items': [
                                    'id': _sku,
                                    'name': _name,
                                    'list_name': 'Cart',
                                    'brand': _brand,
                                    //'category': 'zzzz',
                                    'variant': _fc,
                                    'list_position': _pos,
                                    'quantity': _qtyN - _newQtyN,
                                    'price': _price
                            'event_label': 'cart: Remove X'


                _item.find('.js-cart-remove').data('pos', _cnt + 1).click(function() {
                    try {
                        var _pos = jQuery(this).data('pos');

                        gtag('event', 'remove_from_cart', {
                            'items': [
                                    'id': _sku,
                                    'name': _name,
                                    'list_name': 'Cart',
                                    'brand': _brand,
                                    // 'category': 'zzzzz',
                                    'variant': _fc,
                                    'list_position': _pos,
                                    'quantity': _qty,
                                    'price': _price
                            'event_label': 'cart: Remove all'

                    } catch(e) {
                        log('Error executing GA event', e);


            var _coupons = jQuery('.js-ga-ecommerce-applied-coupon').data('coupon');

            gtag('event', 'begin_checkout', { // track checkout steps
                'items': _items,
                'coupon': _coupons,
                'event_label': 'cart'

        } catch(e) {
            log('Error initialising GA for ShoppingCartPage', e);

    /* Checkout pages */
    if ('CheckoutPage') != -1) {
        try {
            function getStepParameterByName( name ){
                var regexS = "[\\?&]"+name+"=([^&#]*)",
                    regex = new RegExp( regexS ),
                    results = regex.exec( );
                if( results == null ){
                    return 'address';
                } else{
                    return decodeURIComponent(results[1].replace(/\+/g, " "));

            var _stepnum = 0;
            var _stepopt = '';
            var _step =  getStepParameterByName('step');
            var _loginf = jQuery('form.js-login-form');
            if (_loginf.length > 0) {
                _stepnum = 0;
                _step = 'login';

                // Login button
                var _loginf = jQuery('.js-login-submit');
                if (_loginf.length > 0) {
                        try {
                            gtag('event', 'login', {
                                'method' : 'customer'
                            gtag('event', 'checkout_progress', { // track checkout steps
                                'checkout_step': _stepnum,
                                'event_label': _step + ': customer'
                        } catch(e) {
                            log('Error executing GA event', e);
                // Guest registration button
                var _guestf = jQuery('.js-guest-submit');
                if (_guestf.length > 0) {
           () {
                        try {
                            gtag('event', 'login', {
                                'method' : 'guest'
                            gtag('event', 'checkout_progress', { // track checkout steps
                                'checkout_step': _stepnum,
                                'event_label': _step + ': guest'
                        } catch(e) {
                            log('Error executing GA event', e);

                // Registration button
                var _regf = jQuery('.js-register-submit');
                if (_regf.length > 0) {
           () {
                        try {
                            gtag('event', 'login', { method : 'registration' });
                        } catch(e) {
                            log('Error executing GA event', e);


            } else if (_step == 'address') {
                _stepnum = 1;
            } else     if (_step == 'ship') {
                _stepnum = 2;
                _stepopt = jQuery('.js-checkout-shipping').find('input[name=\'shippingmethod\']:checked').parent().find('span:first').html();
            } else     if (_step == 'payment') {
                _stepnum = 3;
                _stepopt = jQuery('.js-checkout-pg').find('input[name=\'pg\']:checked').parent().find('span:first').html();

                var _elp = jQuery('#paymentDiv');
                if (_elp.length > 0) {

                    _elp.closest('form').submit(function() {
                        try {

                            var _el = jQuery('.js-ga-ecommerce-order');
                            var _tx ='ordernum');
                            var _rev ='orderrev');
                            var _shp ='ordershp');
                            var _tax ='ordertax');
                            var _curr ='currency');

                            var _items = [];
                            var _itemsCnt = 1;

                            jQuery('.js-ga-ecommerce-cart-item').each(function() {

                                var _item = jQuery(this);
                                var _sku ='sku');
                                var _name ='name');
                                var _price ='price');
                                var _qty ='qty');
                                var _fc ='fc');
                                var _brand ='brand');

                                    'id': _sku,
                                    'name': _name,
                                    'list_name': 'Cart',
                                    'brand': _brand,
                                    //'category': 'zzzz',
                                    'variant': _fc,
                                    'list_position': _itemsCnt++,
                                    'quantity': _qty,
                                    'price': _price

                            gtag('event', 'purchase', {
                                'transaction_id': _tx,
                                'affiliation': null,
                                'value': _rev,
                                'currency': _curr,
                                'tax': _tax,
                                'shipping': _shp,
                                'items': _items,
                                'event_label': 'confirm'

                        } catch(e) {
                            log('Error executing GA event', e);



            if ((_stepnum == 2 || _stepnum == 3) && _stepopt) {

                gtag('event', 'checkout_progress', { // track checkout steps
                    'checkout_step': _stepnum,
                    'event_label': _step + ': ' + _stepopt

                gtag('event', 'set_checkout_option', {  // track checkout steps options for shipping and payment
                    'checkout_step': _stepnum,
                    'checkout_option': _step,
                    'value': _stepopt,
                    'event_label': _step + ': ' + _stepopt
            } else {

                gtag('event', 'checkout_progress', { // track checkout steps
                    'checkout_step': _stepnum,
                    'event_label': _step


        } catch(e) {
            log('Error initialising GA for CheckoutPage', e);


    /* Login/Registration pages */
    if ('LoginPage') != -1) {
        try {
            // Login button
            var _loginf = jQuery('.js-login-submit');
            if (_loginf.length > 0) {
                    try {
                        gtag('event', 'login', { method : 'customer' });
                    } catch(e) {
                        log('Error executing GA event', e);

            // Registration button
            var _regf = jQuery('.js-register-submit');
            if (_regf.length > 0) {
       () {
                    try {
                        gtag('event', 'login', { method : 'registration' });
                    } catch(e) {
                        log('Error executing GA event', e);

        } catch(e) {
            log('Error initialising GA for LoginPage', e);



Provided script support In version 

 variant of the above script was included as gtag.js resource file and hence in order to enable it only the following code snippet is required:


Code Block
titleGA commerce integration (4.1.0+)



Provided script supports the following events:

PageEventEvent labelEvent structureComments
Login pagelogin 
Code Block
{ method : 'customer' }
tracks clicks of '.js-login-submit'
Code Block
{ method : 'registration' }
tracks clicks of '.js-register-submit'
Category and Search pagesview_item_listlist: View
Code Block
'items': [
        'id': _code,
        'name': _name,
        'list_name': _list,
        'brand': _brand,
        'category': _cat or _dim,
        'variant': _fc,
        'list_position': 1,
        'quantity': 1,
        'price': _price
tracks product impressions
add_to_cartlist: Add x
Code Block
'items': [
        'id': _code,
        'name': _name,
        'list_name': _list,
        'brand': _brand,
        'category': _cat or _dim,
        'variant': _fc,
        'list_position': 1,
        'quantity': 1,
        'price': _price
add to cart events triggered by '.js-buy' buttons
Product details pageview_itempdp: View
Code Block
'items': [
        'id': _code,
        'name': _name,
        'list_name': _list,
        'brand': _brand,
        'category': _cat or _dim,
        'variant': _fc,
        'list_position': 1,
        'quantity': 1,
        'price': _price
tracks product views
add_to_cartpdp: Add x
Code Block
'items': [
        'id': _code,
        'name': _name,
        'list_name': _list,
        'brand': _brand,
        'category': _cat or _dim,
        'variant': _fc,
        'list_position': 1,
        'quantity': 1,
        'price': _price
add to cart events triggered by '.js-buy' buttons
Cart pageadd_to_cartcart: Add X
Code Block
'items': [
        'id': _code,
        'name': 'Cart',
        'list_name': _list,
        'brand': _brand,
        'variant': _fc,
        'list_position': 1,
        'quantity': 1,
        'price': _price
add to cart events triggered by quantity updates
remove_from_cartcart: Remove X / cart: Remove all
Code Block
'items': [
        'id': _code,
        'name': 'Cart',
        'list_name': _list,
        'brand': _brand,
        'variant': _fc,
        'list_position': 1,
        'quantity': 1,
        'price': _price
remove from cart event triggered by quantity updates
Code Block
'items': [
        'id': _code,
        'name': 'Cart',
        'list_name': _list,
        'brand': _brand,
        'variant': _fc,
        'list_position': 1,
        'quantity': 1,
        'price': _price
tracks beginning of the checkout process
Checkout pagelogin + checkout_progresslogin: customer
Code Block
{ method : 'customer' }
tracks clicks of '.js-login-submit'
 login + checkout_progresslogin: registration
Code Block
{ method : 'registration' }
tracks clicks of '.js-register-submit'
 login + checkout_progresslogin: guest
Code Block
{ method : 'guest' }
tracks clicks of '.js-guest-submit'
 checkout_progress + set_checkout_optionship: "shipping method name" tracks shipping method selections
 checkout_progress + set_checkout_optionpayment: "payment method name" tracks payment method selections
Code Block
    'transaction_id': _tx,
    'affiliation': null,
    'value': _rev,
    'currency': _curr,
    'tax': _tax,
    'shipping': _shp,
    'items': _items,
    'event_label': 'confirm'
tracks clicking payment button