
Providing customers with easy to navigate select option is crucial in driving conversions. In catalogs with varied product assortment it bring a challenge as there could be alternative representations apart from "textual options" that can be more effective. For example consider "colour". It is much easier to depict colour as colour boxes which actually depict that colour rather than having a textual representation. Talking on the subject of colour it is also worth to note that number of options could extend into millions. Usually customers when shop only interested in "main colours" palette and therefore not the challenge is not only depicting colour boxes to ease selection but also no narrow selection options.

The configuration of such complex scenarios is already solved in the platform's PIM, so this article will only focus on configuration of the UI through CMS in order to achieve customisation that is required at the presentation layer.  

This cookbook aims to provide working examples in the following key areas:



Filter navigation



Multi SKU selector


Product options selector