

Default theme customer's order history is facilitated by two pages: order list and order details

Order list displays information inline with timespan period. Default view is "this week", but customer has a choice of: "this week", "this month", "this year" and "all orders". List view provides summary information showing current order status, total amount and SKU codes of items ordered. Clicking "details" icon will present customer with detailed order view showing delivery information, details on individual products, promotions applied and tax information.

Order history pages




Element Template Configurations1Content include2Description 
C.1 Order history period selector     
C.2 Order list    Shows orders in period selected 
C.3 Back button    Allows to return to order history list view 
C.4 Order details     
F.1 Footer Standard footer   This component is described in Home page documentation 
H.1 Header Standard header   This component is described in Home page documentation 

1Configurations refer to shop and category custom attributes that define behaviour of components
2Content include refers to shop URI suffix for content. For example if shop has code "SHOP10" and content include is specified as "custom_content" then URI of the content include that will be rendered is "SHOP10_custom_content"