

Contact us page offers a simple customer feedback form with additional content included above it. It can be very useful communication tool for your customers.

Contacts page




Element Template Configurations1Content include2Description 
C.1 Contacts page body   "contacts_content_include" Content include 
C.2 Contacts us form    Allows to send emails via "adm-contactform-request" template to shop admin 
F.1 Footer Standard footer   This component is described in Home page documentation 
H.1 Header Standard header   This component is described in Home page documentation 
M.1 Breadcrumbs Breadcrumbs   Automatically resolves current breadcrumbs path depending on the URI 

its position, for content with sub categories its menu is displayed. 

1Configurations refer to shop and category custom attributes that define behaviour of components
2Content include refers to shop URI suffix for content. For example if shop has code "SHOP10" and content include is specified as "custom_content" then URI of the content include that will be rendered is "SHOP10_custom_content"