Clone Shop 


The platform is multi-tenant from the ground up, which implies that most installations will contain multitude of shops. Ability to quickly create new shop is paramount in this setup to ensure quick on-boarding of new shops, providing rebranded versions of shops or even setup trial account shops for testing new features and configurations.

All of these use cases have one thing in common - the need to create a basic shop with default configurations in one click.

Cloning operation allows to create new shops by using existing shop as an example, so that new shop is a like for like to the original.

It is always recommended to configure shop templates (i.e. shop that is not used but fully configured with basic options), so that it can be used as a template for cloning function

Cloning can be performed on any existing shop, which results in:

Remove Shop 


Shop removal is complementary to cloning as it is just important to remove all data for a particular shop quickly. Consider a trial account which expired and is no longer needed, or a shop clone that was made by mistake.

Remove shop operation removes:

Transfer Shop 


Transfer shop operation allows to "move" all customer and order data from one shop to another. 

This covers use cases when multiple shops are merging into one, or when sub shops in B2B setup are moved around.

There are multiple options available when triggering this operation:

Transfer feature does not delete any data and is repeatable. I.e. you can re-run it multiple times on same origin-target pair, which results in delta transfers