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REST API is represented by a number of controllers each of which is focused on particular functional area:

Controller Functional area 
AuthenticationController Login, logout and login state check 
CartController Viewing cart, mutating cart and wishlist and checkout (including checkout options) 
CategoryController Category navigation 
ContentController Content navigation and viewing 
CustomerController Viewing and updating profile, managing address book (including country options), viewing wish lists, viewing recently viewed items, viewing order history 
NodeController Viewing basic node information 
ProductController Viewing product and SKUs, viewing associations and tracking product views 
SearchController Product search and navigation 

We strongly advise to refer to javadoc for controllers which show request parameters and depict example responses.


  1. shop resolution by domain (as per shop instance URL mapping)
  2. cart resolution by token or cookie (at this point yc header and yc cookie are written to the response)
  3. language resolution either from cart or from request (provided that language is enabled for given shop)


Profile summary interface allows to view and update basic profile information and additional information for shop configured customer profile attributes.


Address book interface allows to view list of addresses by type (S for shipping and B for billing). Note that addresses are pre-filtered by shop allowed countries for shipping and billing addresses.

Since address objects rely upon location (country and state) this interface provides options for available countries per address type and states of particular country.


Checkout step 3: choose shipping method where customer selects the shipping method they wish to use. Note that shipping method influences available payment options.


Note that payments that require payment confirmation callbacks will be processed by payment callback filters as they normally would for web site.




More in-depth articles on shop specific REST API configurations are available upon request